Blue Ridge TM LLC
Phone 706.435.0531
A $75,000 broker bond is required for a broker authority. We have access to affordable plans for our customers.
**Disclaimer** We are not a bond company and we do not issue bonds. We refer our customers to bonding company who offer our customers a few choices of great plans. We encourage our customers to read their contracts or have them reviewed by an attorney before signing. Blue Ridge TM LLC will not be held liable for any contracts that you or your company have signed.
Broker Surety Bond
When filing for your Broker authority, you are required to have a Broker surety bond. The requirement is a $75,000 bond. Bond companies do offer payment plans. The company that we use holds are very percentage of the broker bonds out there and cater to our customers. They have two inexpensive plans that are affordable to our customers. The cost of setting up with the bond is actually cheaper then obtaining trucking insurance for a trucking company.
If you have not applied yet for your broker authority and would like to, you can apply here
You do not need to waste your money on broker classes, we can help you with that at no charge. Also there is a book that is very helpful that is listed on the additional resources page that is only $14.95. Also we can direct our broker authority customers on where to find the shippers and how to go about getting the loads.
If you would like more information on the Broker bond programs, just complete the form below and someone will contact you.