Blue Ridge TM LLC
Phone 706.435.0531
Price for Ace Manifest is $25
Price for Aci Manifest is $25​
US Customs & Border Protection require all truckers to have an ACE MANIFEST ( E Manifest, ACI, ACI E Manifest ) in order to cross the border of Canada. You are required to obtain this before being allowed to cross the border & also to return. This is so US customs & Border Protection know all about you, your Company & what it is you are transporting across the border. This is for safety and security.
Avoid the hassle, delay, and loss of money. Contact us as soon as possible to get set up! Our manifest customers receive a separate phone number that can be called whenever an Ace or Aci manifest is needed.
Contact us to get set up!
Important- Do not wait until you are already on the road to get set up, you need to have all your clearance papers before you reach the border or you will be held up and may receive a possible fine.